
sisal hemp
a plant fiber used for making rope
Syn: ↑sisal
Hypernyms: ↑plant fiber, ↑plant fibre
Substance Holonyms: ↑rope

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see sisal 1a

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sis|al «SIHS uhl, SY suh, noun, or sisal hemp,
1. a strong fiber obtained from the leaves of a species of agave, used for making rope and twine.
2. the plant that it comes from; sisalana: »

Careful where you sit, bub; those blasted sisal plants are needle-sharp (New Yorker).

3. any related plant yielding a similar fiber, such as henequen.
[< Sisal, a port in Yucatán, from which it was exported]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.