
1. the common North American shiner
Syn: ↑common shiner, ↑Notropis cornutus
Hypernyms: ↑shiner
Member Holonyms: ↑Notropis, ↑genus Notropis
2. small fishes having a silver stripe along each side; abundant along the Atlantic coast of the United States
Syn: ↑silverside
Hypernyms: ↑spiny-finned fish, ↑acanthopterygian
Hyponyms: ↑jacksmelt, ↑Atherinopsis californiensis
Member Holonyms: ↑Atherinidae, ↑family Atherinidae

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\\ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ sīdz\ noun plural but singular or plural in construction (also silverside \\-d\)
Etymology: silver (II) + sides, side
1. : any of various small fishes of the family Atherinidae that have a silvery stripe along each side of the body and are related to the gray mullets; especially : a fish (Menidia notata) that is very abundant on the American Atlantic coast
2. : any of various freshwater minnows of Notropis and related genera
3. : silver salmon

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/sil"veuhr suydz'/, n., pl. silversides.
any of several small fishes of the family Atherinidae, having a silvery stripe along each side, as Menidia menidia, inhabiting the Atlantic coast of the U.S.
Also, silverside.
[1850-55, Amer.; SILVER + SIDE1 + -S3]

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silˈversides singular noun
Any small fish of the family Atherinidae, eg Atherina presbyter, the sand smelt
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Main Entry:silver

Useful english dictionary. 2012.