
sexually transmitted disease
a communicable infection transmitted by sexual intercourse or genital contact
venereal disease, ↑VD, ↑venereal infection, ↑social disease, ↑Cupid's itch, ↑Cupid's disease, ↑Venus's curse, ↑dose, ↑STD
Hypernyms: ↑contagious disease, ↑contagion
genital herpes, ↑herpes genitalis, ↑gonorrhea, ↑gonorrhoea, ↑clap, ↑granuloma inguinale, ↑granuloma venereum, ↑syphilis, ↑syph, ↑pox, ↑lues venerea, ↑lues, ↑lymphogranuloma venereum, ↑LGV, ↑lymphopathia venereum, ↑chlamydia

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: any of various diseases or infections (as chlamydia, genital herpes, syphilis, and gonorrhea) that are usually transmitted by direct sexual contact and that include some (as hepatitis B and AIDS) that may be contracted by other than sexual means — called also STD

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any disease characteristically transmitted by sexual contact, as gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, and chlamydia. Abbr.: STD Also called venereal disease.

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sexually transmitted disease or sexually transmitted infection noun
A venereal disease
• • •
Main Entry:sex

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sexually transmitted disease UK [ˌsekʃuəli trænsˌmɪtɪd dɪˈziːz] US [ˌsekʃuəli trænsˌmɪtɪd dɪˈziz] noun [countable/uncountable] [singular sexually transmitted disease plural sexually transmitted diseases] medical
any disease that you get from having sex with an infected person, for example aids or syphilis
Thesaurus: specific diseaseshyponym general words for illnesses, diseases and medical conditionssynonym
Variant: sexually transmitted infection

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sexually transmitted disease,
any one of various contagious diseases, such as syphilis or gonorrhea, that are mainly spread through sexual intercourse; social disease. Abbr: STD (no periods).

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noun, pl ⋯ -eases [count]
medical :


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ˌsexually transˌmitted diˈsease [sexually transmitted disease] noun countable, uncountable (abbr. STD)
any disease that is spread through ↑sexual intercourse, such assyphilis

Useful english dictionary. 2012.