
baseball game
a ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players; teams take turns at bat trying to score runs (Freq. 2)

he played baseball in high school


there was a baseball game on every empty lot


there was a desire for National League ball in the area


play ball!

Syn: ↑baseball
Members of this Topic:
away, ↑outside, ↑fair, ↑in-bounds, ↑foul, ↑safe, ↑out, ↑ball-hawking, ↑no-hit, ↑triple-crown, ↑hitless, ↑aboard, ↑on base, ↑hit, ↑bobble, ↑error, ↑misplay, ↑fumble, ↑muff, ↑pitch, ↑delivery, ↑fastball, ↑heater, ↑smoke, ↑hummer, ↑bullet, ↑batting, ↑fielding, ↑catching, ↑pitching, ↑base on balls, ↑walk, ↑pass, ↑fair ball, ↑foul ball, ↑bunt, ↑fly, ↑fly ball, ↑blast, ↑pop fly, ↑pop-fly, ↑pop-up, ↑grounder, ↑ground ball, ↑groundball, ↑hopper, ↑force out, ↑force-out, ↑force play, ↑force, ↑putout, ↑strikeout, ↑sacrifice, ↑base hit, ↑safety, ↑liner, ↑line drive, ↑plunk, ↑plunker, ↑shoestring catch, ↑tag, ↑flare, ↑Texas leaguer, ↑bat, ↑at-bat, ↑ball game, ↑ballgame, ↑assist, ↑baseball play, ↑backstop, ↑ballpark, ↑park, ↑baseball diamond, ↑diamond, ↑infield, ↑baseball equipment, ↑home plate, ↑home base, ↑home, ↑plate, ↑mound, ↑hill, ↑pitcher's mound, ↑batting order, ↑card, ↑lineup, ↑cleanup, ↑cleanup position, ↑cleanup spot, ↑earned run average, ↑ERA, ↑ground rule, ↑farm team, ↑farm club, ↑major league, ↑big league, ↑majors, ↑minor league, ↑minors, ↑bush league, ↑lead, ↑strike zone, ↑ballplayer, ↑baseball player, ↑baseball coach, ↑baseball manager, ↑base runner, ↑runner, ↑bat boy, ↑batter, ↑hitter, ↑slugger, ↑batsman, ↑batting coach, ↑catcher, ↑closer, ↑finisher, ↑pitching coach, ↑first baseman, ↑first sacker, ↑infielder, ↑outfielder, ↑right-handed pitcher, ↑right-hander, ↑pinch hitter, ↑pitcher, ↑hurler, ↑twirler, ↑screwballer, ↑second baseman, ↑second sacker, ↑shortstop, ↑starting pitcher, ↑third baseman, ↑third sacker, ↑batting average, ↑hitting average, ↑fielding average, ↑triple crown, ↑inning, ↑frame, ↑die, ↑bear down, ↑catch, ↑cut down, ↑cut out, ↑steal, ↑drive in, ↑retire, ↑strike out, ↑put out, ↑ground out, ↑bounce out, ↑pop, ↑ground, ↑pull, ↑connect, ↑drag a bunt, ↑single, ↑double, ↑triple, ↑fan, ↑whiff, ↑switch-hit, ↑submarine, ↑nab, ↑draw, ↑get, ↑run bases, ↑wind up
Hypernyms: ↑ball game, ↑ballgame
ball, ↑professional baseball, ↑hardball, ↑perfect game, ↑no-hit game, ↑no-hitter, ↑one-hitter, ↑1-hitter, ↑two-hitter, ↑2-hitter, ↑three-hitter, ↑3-hitter, ↑four-hitter, ↑4-hitter, ↑five-hitter, ↑5-hitter, ↑softball, ↑softball game, ↑rounders, ↑stickball, ↑stickball game, ↑steal

Useful english dictionary. 2012.