
basal metabolism
the amount of energy required to maintain the body of an individual in a resting state
Hypernyms: ↑metabolism, ↑metabolic process

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: the metabolism of an organism in the fasting and resting state when it uses just enough energy to maintain vital cellular activity, respiration, and circulation as measured by the basal metabolic rate

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the minimal amount of energy necessary to maintain respiration, circulation, and other vital body functions while fasting and at total rest.

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basal metabolism noun
The amount of energy required by a fasting and resting individual
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Main Entry:base

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basal metabolism,
the amount of energy used by an animal or plant at rest, used as a standard for comparing metabolism under varying conditions. The basal metabolism for a man 30 years old is between 1,400 and 1,500 calories per day.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.