
sea kale
perennial of coastal sands and shingles of northern Europe and Baltic and Black Seas having racemes of small white flowers and large fleshy blue-green leaves often used as potherbs
Syn: ↑sea cole, ↑Crambe maritima
Hypernyms: ↑herb, ↑herbaceous plant
Member Holonyms: ↑Crambe, ↑genus Crambe

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: a European perennial herb (Crambe maritima) that has a fleshy branching rootstalk and is sometimes cultivated for its large ovate long-stalked leaves which are used as a potherb — called also sea cole

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a European broad-leaved maritime plant, Crambe maritima, of the mustard family, having fleshy, blue basal leaves, used as a pot plant.

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sea kale,
a plant of the mustard family, growing near the sea, with large cabbagelike leaves; crambe. The leaf stems are blanched and eaten as a vegetable in certain countries of Europe.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.