
type genus of the Scolytidae comprising numerous small bark beetles
Syn: ↑genus Scolytus
Hypernyms: ↑arthropod genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Scolytidae, ↑family Scolytidae, ↑Ipidae, ↑family Ipidae
Member Meronyms: ↑Dutch-elm beetle, ↑Scolytus multistriatus

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\\-ləd.əs\ noun
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, irregular from Greek skolyptein to cut short; akin to Greek kolos docked, hornless — more at halt (lame)
: the type genus of Scolytidae comprising numerous small bark beetles of which some are destructive to economically important plants and one (S. multistriatus) is a vector of the fungus that causes Dutch elm disease

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Scolytus /skolˈi-təs/
The typical genus of Scolytidae /-itˈi-dē/, a family of bark-beetles
ORIGIN: Gr skolyptein to strip
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scolˈytid noun
A member of the Scolytidae (also adjective)
scolˈytoid adjective and noun

Useful english dictionary. 2012.