
v. & n.
1 burn (the skin etc.) with hot liquid or steam.
2 heat (esp. milk) to near boiling-point.
3 (usu. foll. by out) clean (a pan etc.) by rinsing with boiling water.
4 treat (poultry etc.) with boiling water to remove feathers etc.
1 a burn etc. caused by scalding.
2 a skin disease caused esp. by air pollution etc. affecting the fruits of some plants.
Phrases and idioms:
like a scalded cat moving unusually fast. scalded cream a dessert made from milk scalded and allowed to stand. scalding tears hot bitter tears of grief etc.
scalder n.
Etymology: ME f. AF, ONF escalder, OF eschalder f. LL excaldare (as EX-(1), L calidus hot)
var. of SKALD.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.