
Saint Ambrose
(Roman Catholic Church) Roman priest who became bishop of Milan; the first Church Father born and raised in the Christian faith; composer of hymns; imposed orthodoxy on the early Christian church and built up its secular power; a saint and Doctor of the Church (340?-397)
Syn: ↑Ambrose, ↑St. Ambrose
Derivationally related forms: ↑Ambrosian (for: ↑Ambrose)
Topics: ↑Roman Catholic, ↑Western Church, ↑Roman Catholic Church, ↑Church of Rome, ↑Roman Church
Instance Hypernyms:
bishop, ↑theologian, ↑theologist, ↑theologizer, ↑theologiser, ↑composer, ↑Church Father, ↑Father of the Church, ↑Father, ↑saint, ↑Doctor of the Church, ↑Doctor

Useful english dictionary. 2012.