
rock rose
1. any of numerous varieties of helianthemums having small rose-like yellow or white or reddish flowers
Syn: ↑rockrose
Hypernyms: ↑helianthemum, ↑sunrose, ↑sun rose
2. small shrubs of scrub and dry woodland regions of southern Europe and North Africa; grown for their showy flowers and soft often downy and aromatic evergreen foliage
Syn: ↑rockrose
Hypernyms: ↑shrub, ↑bush
Hyponyms: ↑white-leaved rockrose, ↑Cistus albidus, ↑common gum cistus, ↑Cistus ladanifer, ↑Cistus ladanum
Member Holonyms: ↑Cistus, ↑genus Cistus

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rock rose noun
A plant of either of the genera Cistus and Helianthemum of the family Cistaceae
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Main Entry:rock

Useful english dictionary. 2012.