
revenue enhancement
charge against a citizen's person or property or activity for the support of government
Syn: ↑tax, ↑taxation
Derivationally related forms: ↑tax (for: ↑taxation), ↑tax (for: ↑tax)
Members of this Topic:
deductible, ↑progressive, ↑regressive, ↑withholding, ↑imposition, ↑infliction, ↑collector, ↑gatherer, ↑accumulator, ↑net estate, ↑disposable income, ↑unearned income, ↑unearned revenue, ↑operating expense, ↑operating cost, ↑overhead, ↑budget items, ↑hidden tax, ↑charge
Hypernyms: ↑levy
single tax, ↑income tax, ↑capital gains tax, ↑capital levy, ↑departure tax, ↑franchise tax, ↑gift tax, ↑direct tax, ↑indirect tax, ↑capitation, ↑progressive tax, ↑graduated tax, ↑proportional tax, ↑degressive tax, ↑rates, ↑stamp tax, ↑stamp duty, ↑pavage, ↑transfer tax, ↑special assessment

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a new tax or a tax increase. Also called revenue enhancer.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.