
Republic of Tunisia
a republic in northwestern Africa on the Mediterranean coast; achieved independence from France in 1956

southern Tunisia is mostly desert

Syn: ↑Tunisia
Derivationally related forms: ↑Tunisian (for: ↑Tunisia)
Members of this Region: ↑Zama, ↑battle of Zama
Instance Hypernyms: ↑African country, ↑African nation
Member Holonyms: ↑Arab League
Part Holonyms: ↑Maghreb, ↑Mahgrib
Member Meronyms: ↑Tunisian
Part Meronyms:
Tunis, ↑capital of Tunisia, ↑Ariana, ↑Ehadhamen, ↑Gafsa, ↑Sfax, ↑Safaqis, ↑Sousse, ↑Susa, ↑Susah, ↑Atlas Mountains

Useful english dictionary. 2012.