
v. & n.
—v. (remitted, remitting)
1 tr. cancel or refrain from exacting or inflicting (a debt or punishment etc.).
2 intr. & tr. abate or slacken; cease or cease from partly or entirely.
3 tr. send (money etc.) in payment.
4 tr. cause to be conveyed by post.
5 tr. a (foll. by to) refer (a matter for decision etc.) to some authority. b Law send back (a case) to a lower court.
6 tr. a (often foll. by to) postpone or defer. b (foll. by in, into) send or put back into a previous state.
7 tr. Theol. (usu. of God) pardon (sins etc.).
1 the terms of reference of a committee etc.
2 an item remitted for consideration.
remittable adj. remittal n. remittee n. remitter n.
Etymology: ME f. L remittere remiss- (as RE-, mittere send)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.