
red-tailed hawk
dark brown American hawk species having a reddish-brown tail (Freq. 1)
Syn: ↑redtail, ↑Buteo jamaicensis
Hypernyms: ↑hawk
Member Holonyms: ↑Buteo, ↑genus Buteo

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\\ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷-\ noun
: a widely distributed New World buteonine hawk (Buteo jamaicencis); especially : a common rodent-eating hawk (Buteo jamaicensis borealis) of eastern No. America that is mottled dusky above and white tinged with buff and streaked dusky below and has a rather short typically rufous tail — called also redtail; harlan's hawk, krider's hawk

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a North American hawk, Buteo jamaicensis, dark brown above, whitish with black streaking below, and having a reddish-brown tail. See illus. under hawk.
[1795-1805, Amer.]

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red-tailed hawk «REHD TAYLD»,
a common North American hawk with a reddish-brown tail.

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n. the most common and most widespread hawk of North and Central America, with a reddish tail. Buteo jamaicensis, family Accipitridae

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/ˈrɛdˌteıld-/ noun, pl ⋯ hawks [count]
: a type of American hawk that has a reddish tail — called also redtail

Useful english dictionary. 2012.