
reconstructive surgery
surgery concerned with therapeutic or cosmetic reformation of tissue
Syn: ↑plastic surgery, ↑anaplasty
Hypernyms: ↑operation, ↑surgery, ↑surgical operation, ↑surgical procedure, ↑surgical process
abdominoplasty, ↑tummy tuck, ↑autoplasty, ↑face lift, ↑facelift, ↑lift, ↑face lifting, ↑cosmetic surgery, ↑rhytidectomy, ↑rhytidoplasty, ↑nip and tuck, ↑keratoplasty, ↑corneal graft, ↑corneal transplant, ↑lipectomy, ↑selective lipectomy, ↑mastopexy, ↑neuroplasty, ↑otoplasty, ↑phalloplasty, ↑proctoplasty, ↑rectoplasty

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: surgery that aims at restoring function or normal appearance by remaking defective organs or parts

reconstructive surgery of the femoral head

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the restoration of appearance and function following injury or disease, or the correction of congenital defects, using the techniques of plastic surgery.

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reconstructive surgery noun
Plastic surgery either to correct a disfigurement or make cosmetic changes to the body
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Main Entry:reconstruct

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reconstructive surgery,
a branch of surgery dealing with the repair of congenital or acquired defects or malformations of body tissues.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.