
giant treelike plant having edible nuts and leafstalks that yield a refreshing drink of clear watery sap; reputedly an emergency source of water for travelers
Syn: ↑traveler's tree, ↑traveller's tree, ↑Ravenala madagascariensis
Hypernyms: ↑woody plant, ↑ligneous plant
Member Holonyms: ↑genus Ravenala

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\\ˌravəˈnālə\ noun
Etymology: New Latin, fr a native name in Madagascar
1. capitalized : a genus of tropical woody plants (family Musaceae) having tall trunks, oblong distichous very long-stalked leaves, and large flowers with three sepals and three petals followed by woody 3-valved capsules — see traveler's-tree
2. -s : any plant of the genus Ravenala

Useful english dictionary. 2012.