
rag trade
makers and sellers of fashionable clothing
Syn: ↑apparel industry, ↑garment industry, ↑fashion industry, ↑fashion business
Hypernyms: ↑industry

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rag trader.
the garment, clothing, or fashion industry. Also called rag business.

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rag trade noun (informal)
The trade concerned with designing, making and selling clothes
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Main Entry:rag

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rag trade,
Slang. the garment industry.

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n. the rag trade informal the clothing or fashion industry

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the rag trade
chiefly Brit informal : the business of designing, making, and selling clothes : the fashion industry

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the ˈrag trade f15 [rag trade] noun singular (old-fashioned, informal)
the business of designing, making and selling clothes

Useful english dictionary. 2012.