
Queen Anne's lace
a widely naturalized Eurasian herb with finely cut foliage and white compound umbels of small white or yellowish flowers and thin yellowish roots
Syn: ↑wild carrot, ↑Daucus carota
Hypernyms: ↑wildflower, ↑wild flower
Member Holonyms: ↑Daucus, ↑genus Daucus

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noun (plural queen anne's lace also queen anne's laces)
Usage: usually capitalized Q&A
Etymology: after Queen Anne of England
: wild carrot

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a plant, Daucus carota, the wild form of the cultivated carrot, having broad umbels of white flowers. Also called wild carrot.

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Queen Anne's lace noun
Cow parsley
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Main Entry:queen

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Queen Anne's lace,
a wild variety of the carrot, having lacy clusters of white flowers.

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n. the uncultivated form of the carrot, with broad round heads of tiny white flowers that resemble lace. Also called wild carrot. Daucus carota, family Umbelliferae

Useful english dictionary. 2012.