
plump for
be behind; approve of (Freq. 1)

He plumped for the Labor Party


I backed Kennedy in 1960

Syn: ↑back, ↑endorse, ↑indorse, ↑plunk for, ↑support
Derivationally related forms:
supportive (for: ↑support), ↑support (for: ↑support), ↑supporter (for: ↑support), ↑indorsement (for: ↑indorse), ↑endorsement (for: ↑endorse), ↑endorser (for: ↑endorse), ↑backing (for: ↑back)
Hypernyms: ↑approve, ↑O.K., ↑okay, ↑sanction
Hyponyms: ↑guarantee, ↑warrant, ↑champion, ↑defend
Verb Group: ↑second, ↑back, ↑endorse, ↑indorse
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Somebody ——s somebody

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ˈplump for [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they plump for he/she/it plumps for present participle plumping for past tense plumped for past participle plumped for] informal phrasal verb
to suddenly choose someone or something after being unable to decide what to do
Thesaurus: to choose someone or somethingsynonym to choose a personhyponym
Main entry: plump

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plump for [phrasal verb]
plump for (someone or something) informal
1 US : to express support for (someone or something)

The President plumped for the incumbent candidate in the election.

2 Brit : to choose (someone or something) after thinking carefully

I finally plumped for the blue dress.

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Main Entry:plump

Useful english dictionary. 2012.