
plant kingdom
(botany) the taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct plants
Syn: ↑Plantae, ↑kingdom Plantae
Topics: ↑botany, ↑phytology
Hypernyms: ↑kingdom
Member Meronyms:
plant, ↑flora, ↑plant life, ↑Thallophyta, ↑Tracheophyta, ↑division Tracheophyta, ↑plant order, ↑Bryophyta, ↑division Bryophyta, ↑Pteridophyta, ↑division Pteridophyta, ↑Spermatophyta, ↑division Spermatophyta, ↑Phanerogamae, ↑Cryptogamia, ↑plant family, ↑plant genus, ↑Lycophyta

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: the one of the three basic groups of natural objects that comprises all living and extinct plants — compare animal kingdom, mineral kingdom

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the plants of the world collectively. Also called vegetable kingdom. Cf. animal kingdom, mineral kingdom.

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plant kingdom,
all plants, as distinguished from animals and minerals; vegetable kingdom.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.