
noughts and crosses
a game in which two players alternately put crosses and circles in one of the compartments of a square grid of nine spaces; the object is to get a row of three crosses or three circles before the opponent does
Syn: ↑ticktacktoe, ↑ticktacktoo, ↑tick-tack-toe, ↑tic-tac-toe, ↑tit-tat-toe
Hypernyms: ↑board game

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noun [noncount]
Brit :tic-tac-toe

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ˌnoughts and ˈcrosses [noughts and crosses] (BrE) (NAmE ˌtic-tac-ˈtoe) noun uncountable
a simple game in which two players take turns to write Os or Xs in a set of nine squares. The first player to complete a row of three Os or three Xs is the winner.
See also:tic-tac-toe

Useful english dictionary. 2012.