
Harold Macmillan
Harold Macmillan [Harold Macmillan]
(1894–1986) a British Conservative politician. He entered Parliament in 1924 and was ↑Foreign Secretary (1955) and ↑Chancellor of the Exchequer (1955–7) before becoming ↑Prime Minister (1957–63). After gaining power he concentrated on improving Britain’s international relations and encouraging economic growth, becoming known for his phrase ‘You’ve never had it so good’ (taken from a US election campaign). Because of his successes he was sometimes called ‘Supermac’ by the press. The Profumo affair in 1963 damaged his party and he ↑resigned later that year because of ill health, being replaced by Sir Alec Douglas-Home. Macmillan was the author of several books, including Winds of Change (1966). He was made an ↑earl in 1984. The wind of change is blowing through this continent, and, whether we like it or not, this growth of national consciousness is a political fact. Harold Macmillan in a 1960 speech on Africa

Useful english dictionary. 2012.