
hard hat
1. a worker skilled in building offices or dwellings etc.
Syn: ↑construction worker
Hypernyms: ↑craftsman, ↑artisan, ↑journeyman, ↑artificer
2. a lightweight protective helmet (plastic or metal) worn by construction workers
Syn: ↑tin hat, ↑safety hat
Hypernyms: ↑helmet

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1. Britain : derby
2. : a protective hat usually with a metal crown worn especially by construction workers

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1. a protective helmet of metal or plastic, esp. as worn by construction or factory workers.
2. a uniformed soldier of a regular army, as opposed to a guerrilla.

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hard hat noun
1. A bowler hat
2. A protective helmet worn by building workers, etc
3. A worker who typically wears one
4. An obstinately conservative person
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Main Entry:hard

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hard hat UK US noun [countable] [singular hard hat plural hard hats]
a hat that workers on building sites wear to protect their heads
Thesaurus: hats and other things worn on the headhyponym parts of hatsmeronym

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hard|hat «H HAT», noun, or hard hat,
1. a rigid hat or helmet worn especially by construction workers as protection against falling objects.
2. U.S. a construction worker.
3. U.S., an outspoken conservative or reactionary, especially one who believes in suppressing opposing opinions.
4. a bowler or derby.

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n. a rigid protective helmet, as worn by factory and building workers
informal a worker who wears a hard hat
informal a person with reactionary or conservative views

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noun, pl ⋯ hats [count]
: a hat that is worn by workers at a building site to protect their heads from falling objects

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ˌhard ˈhat [hard hat hard hats] noun
a hat worn by building workers, etc. to protect their heads

Useful english dictionary. 2012.