
The Subjunctive
The subjunctive is a structure which is not very common in English and which is usually regarded as formal or old-fashioned. Using the subjunctive involves using the base form of a verb instead of a present or past tense, or instead of `should' and a base form.
'whether' and 'though'
The subjunctive can be used instead of a present tense in a conditional clause beginning with `whether' or a clause containing `though'.

The new world must be welcomed, if only because it will come whether it be welcomed or not.

The church absorbs these monuments, large though they be, in its own immense scope.

The subjunctive can be used in a `that'-clause when making a suggestion.

Someone suggested that they break into small groups.

It was his doctor who suggested that he change his job.

`Lest' is sometimes used with a subjunctive verb form in a purpose clause to say what an action is intended to prevent.

He was put in a cell with no clothes and shoes lest he injure himself.

subjunctive use of 'were'
In writing and sometimes in conversation, `were' is used instead of `was' in conditional clauses referring to a situation that does not exist or that is unlikely. This use of `were' is also a type of subjunctive use.

He would be persecuted if he were sent back.

If I were asked to define my condition, I'd say `bored'.

`Were' is also often used instead of `was' in clauses beginning with `as though' and `as if'.

You talk as though he were already condemned.

Margaret looked at me as if I were crazy.


Useful english dictionary. 2012.