
noun groups
A noun group, or noun phrase, is a group of words which acts as the subject, complement, or object of a clause, or as the object of a preposition.

He was eating an apple.

He was using blue ink.

Strawberries are very expensive now.

That's a good idea.

She wanted a job in the oil industry.

A noun group can consist of a noun by itself, or it can also contain a determiner, adjective, or other modifier or qualifier.

...picking apples on an autumn afternoon.

Peel, core, and slice the apples.

She noticed the two apple trees, already bearing a crop of small green apples.

The apples hanging above us were tinged with pink.

A noun group can also be a pronoun.

I've got two boys, and they both enjoy playing football.

Someone is coming to mend it tomorrow.


Useful english dictionary. 2012.