
unc|tu|ous «UHNGK chu uhs», adjective.
1. like an oil or ointment in texture; oily; greasy: »

Oak, now black with time and unctuous with kitchen smoke (Hawthorne).

2. Figurative. soothing, sympathetic, and persuasive; blandly ingratiating:
3. Figurative. a) too smooth and oily: »

the hypocrite's unctuous manner, an offensively unctuous speech.

b) tending to or gushing with religious fervor or emotion, especially false or affected emotion; fervid in a shallow, sentimental way.
4. soft and clinging, but easily worked; rich in decayed organic matter, and containing more clay than sand.
5. (of clay) very plastic; somewhat fat, as bentonite.
[< Medieval Latin unctuosus < Latin unctus, -ūs anointment, anointing < unguere to anoint]
unc´tu|ous|ly, adverb.
unc´tu|ous|ness, noun.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.