
twit|ter1 «TWIHT uhr», noun, verb.
1. a succession of light sounds made by birds.
2. a brief or muffled giggle; titter.
3. Figurative. an excited condition; flutter: »

My nerves are in a twitter when I have to sing in public. In a twitter of indignation... (Thackeray).

1. to utter a succession of light sounds: »

Birds begin to twitter just before sunrise. Swallows and martins skimmed twittering about the eaves (Washington Irving).

2. to sing, talk, or chatter rapidly in a small or tremulous voice.
3. to titter; giggle.
4. Figurative. to tremble, as with excitement, eagerness, or fear; be in a flutter.
to utter or express by twittering.
[probably ultimately imitative]
twit´ter|er, noun.
twit|ter2 «TWIHT uhr», transitive verb.
Dialect. to twit; tease.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.