
tu|nic «TOO nihk, TYOO-», noun.
1. a garment like a shirt or gown, worn by both men and women in ancient Greece and Rome. Tunics usually reached to the knees.
2. any garment like this.
3. a woman's garment, usually belted, extending below the waist or over the skirt.
4. a short, close-fitting coat reaching below the waist but never below the thighs, worn by soldiers, policemen, and some other uniformed personnel.
5. a natural covering of integument of a plant, animal, or part.
6. a membranous sheath enveloping or lining an organ of the body; tunica.
7. = tunicle (def. 1). (Cf.tunicle)
[< Latin tunica]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.