
tip|ple1 «TIHP uhl», verb, -pled, -pling, noun.
–v.t., v.i.
to drink (alcoholic liquor) often or too much: »

I took to the bottle and tried to tipple away my cares (Washington Irving).

an alcoholic liquor; strong drink.
[origin uncertain. Compare Norwegian tipla drip, tipple.]
tip|ple2 «TIHP uhl», noun. U.S.
1. a mechanism by which freight cars and mining carts are tipped and emptied.
2. a place where such vehicles are emptied by tipping, as in a coal yard or at or near a mine shaft.
[American English apparently < tip2]
tip|ple3 «TIHP uhl», transitive verb, intransitive verb, -pled, -pling.
Dialect. to tip over.
[frequentative of tip2]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.