
tim|id «TIHM ihd», adjective.
1. easily frightened; shy: »

The timid child was afraid of the dark. Deer are timid animals.

2. characterized by or indicating fear: »

a timid reply.

[< Latin timidus < timēre to fear]
tim´id|ly, adverb.
tim´id|ness, noun.
Synonym Study 1 Timid, cowardly mean afraid to do or try something hard or risky. Timid implies lack of self-confidence in facing any situation: »

He does not like his job, but is too timid to try to find another.

Cowardly implies lack of moral character or strength in the presence of danger or trouble: »

Leaving his wife because she was hopelessly sick was a cowardly thing to do.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.