
germ plasm
the protoplasm of the germ cells that contains chromosomes and genes
Syn: ↑plasm
Hypernyms: ↑protoplasm, ↑living substance

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1. : germ cells and their precursors regarded as bearers of hereditary characters and as at all times fundamentally independent of other body cells
2. : the hereditary material of the germ cells : genes

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the protoplasm of the germ cells containing the chromosomes.

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germ plasm noun
In early theories of inheritance, the name given to the heritable material, which is now known to be the chromosomes
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Main Entry:germ

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germ plasm or germ plasma,
1. the germ cells of an organism.
2. the substance, now known to be the chromosomes, in germ cells that transmits hereditary characteristics to the offspring.

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n. Biology germ cells, collectively
the genetic material of such cells

Useful english dictionary. 2012.