
small slender-winged moths whose larvae are agricultural pests
Syn: ↑gelechiid moth
Hypernyms: ↑moth
Hyponyms: ↑Gelechia gossypiella, ↑grain moth, ↑potato moth, ↑potato tuber moth, ↑splitworm, ↑Phthorimaea operculella
Member Holonyms: ↑Gelechiidae, ↑family Gelechiidae

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I. \\jəˈlekēə̇d\ adjective
Etymology: New Latin Gelechiidae
: of or relating to the Gelechiidae
II. noun (-s)
: any moth of the family Gelechiidae

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/jeuh lek"ee id/, n.
1. any of numerous small moths of the family Gelechiidae, including many crop pests, as the Angoumois grain moth and potato tuberworm.
2. belonging or pertaining to the gelechiids.
[ < NL Gelechiidae name of the family, equiv. to Gelechi(a) name of the genus ( < Gk gelechés sleeping on earth; see -IA) + -idae -ID2]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.