
heap «heep», noun, verb.
1. a pile of many things thrown or lying together: »

a heap of stones, a sand heap.

SYNONYM(S): mass, stack, accumulation.
2. Informal. a large amount; a lot; multitude: »

a heap of trouble. It did me a heap of good to see my old friends.

1. to form into a heap; gather in heaps; amass; accumulate: »

She heaped the dirty clothes next to the washing machine.

2. to give generously or in large amounts: »

The man heaped praise on his friends.

3. to fill full or more than full; load: »

to heap a plate with food.

to become heaped or piled; rise in a heap or heaps: »

Snow heaped against the fence.

[Old English hēap heap, chiefly of persons (troop, multitude, company)]
heap´er, noun.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.