
hap|py «HAP ee», adjective, -pi|er, -pi|est.
1. feeling as a person does when he is well and having a good time; glad; contented: »

She is happy in her new home.

SYNONYM(S): joyous, joyful, gay, cheerful, elated, rapturous, exultant, delighted, gratified. See syn. under glad. (Cf.glad)
2. showing that one is glad; showing pleasure and joy: »

a happy smile, a happy look.

SYNONYM(S): joyous, joyful, gay, cheerful, elated, rapturous, exultant, delighted, gratified. See syn. under glad. (Cf.glad)
3. pleased: »

I am happy to accept your invitation.

4. lucky; fortunate: »

By a happy chance, I found my lost book.

SYNONYM(S): favorable, propitious, auspicious.
5. clever and fitting; successful and suitable; apt: »

The writer has a happy way of expressing his ideas.

SYNONYM(S): appropriate, felicitous.
[Middle English happy < hap1]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.