
half-tone or half|tone «HAF TOHN, HAHF-», noun, adjective.
1. a) a process in photoengraving in which gradations of tone in the original painting, drawing, or photograph are reproduced by means of a series of very small dots between fine intersecting blank lines produced by a screen placed in the camera a short distance in front of the sensitized film. b) an illustration made by this process. c) the metal plate made by this process.
2. Fine Arts, Photography. a tone intermediate between the extreme lights and extreme shades.
of or used in the process of making half-tone engravings.
half tone,
1. = half step (Cf.half step); semitone. (Cf.semitone)
2. = half-tone. (Cf.half-tone)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.