
hal|cy|on «HAL see uhn», adjective, noun.
1. calm; peaceful; happy: »

The old man remembered the halcyon days of his youth. My heart is like a rainbow shell That paddles in a halcyon sea (Christina Rossetti).

SYNONYM(S): serene, tranquil.
2. of or having to do with the halcyon, fabled as a bird supposed to breed in a nest on the sea.
[< noun]
1. Archaic. a fabled bird supposed to breed at the winter solstice in a nest on the sea and calm the water, identified with a kingfisher: »

There came the halcyon whom the sea obeys When she her nest upon the water lays (William Shenstone).

2. = kingfisher. (Cf.kingfisher)
[< Latin halcyon < Greek halky, variant by association with háls (salt) sea of alky kingfisher]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.