
fil|i|gree «FIHL uh gree», noun, verb, -greed, -gree|ing, adjective.
1. very delicate, lacelike ornamental work of gold or silver wire.
2. any similar ornamental work.
3. a) a lacy, delicate, or fanciful pattern in any material: »

The frost made a beautiful filigree on the windowpane.

b) Figurative. anything very delicate or fanciful: »

Guarantees, he said, were mere filigree, pretty to look at but too brittle to bear the slightest pressure (Macaulay).

1. to decorate (especially jewelry) with filigree.
2. to form (gold, silver, or other metal) into filigree.
1. ornamented with or as if with filigree; made into filigree: »

filigree earrings.

2. Figurative. delicate. Also, filigree.
[earlier filigrane < French < Italian filigrana < fili, plural, threads (< Latin fīlum) + grana grain < Latin grānum]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.