
fier|y «FYR ee, FY uhr-», adjective, -fier|i|er, fier|i|est.
1. containing fire; burning; flaming: »

a burning fiery furnace (Daniel 3:6).

2. like fire; very hot; flashing; glowing: »

a fiery red, fiery heat.

3. Figurative. full of feeling or spirit; ardent: »

a fiery speech.

SYNONYM(S): fervent, fervid, spirited, passionate.
4. Figurative. easily aroused or excited: »

a fiery temper.

5. a) highly inflammable; liable to take fire, as gas in a mine. b) (especially of a mine) containing large quantities of inflammable gas.
6. inflamed: »

a fiery sore.

7. Figurative. producing a burning sensation; pungent: »

the fiery taste of raw whiskey.

[< fire + -y1]
fier´i|ly, adverb.
fier´i|ness, noun.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.