
fea|si|ble «FEE zuh buhl», adjective.
1. that can be done easily; possible without difficulty or damage; practicable: »

Of the many plans submitted, the committee selected the plan that seemed most feasible. Today, most of these fine old houses are dilapidated almost beyond feasible repair (St. Louis Post-Dispatch).

SYNONYM(S): See syn. under possible. (Cf.possible)
2. likely; probable: »

The witness's explanation of the accident sounded feasible.

3. suitable; convenient: »

The road was too rough to be feasible for travel by automobile.

[< Old French faisable or faisible < faire do, make < Latin facere]
fea´si|ble|ness, noun.
fea´si|bly, adverb.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.