
fear|ful «FIHR fuhl», adjective.
1. causing fear; terrible; dreadful: »

a fearful explosion, a fearful dragon. At midnight's fearful hour (Samuel Rogers).

SYNONYM(S): awful, frightful, horrible.
2. a) feeling fear; frightened: »

fearful of the dark.

SYNONYM(S): afraid, alarmed, apprehensive, cowardly, craven, pusillanimous. b) full of awe or reverence: »

The savages thought the explorers were gods and, fearful, knelt before them.

3. showing fear; caused by fear: »

fearful cries. Adeline…threw a fearful glance around (Ann Radcliffe).

4. Informal. very bad, difficult, or unpleasant: »

I have a fearful cold. If he does not run for Governor, he confronts a fearful task in maintaining party primacy (New York Times Magazine).

fear´ful|ly, adverb.
fear´ful|ness, noun.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.