
fas|ci|a «FASH ee uh», noun, plural fas|ci|ae «FASH ih ee».
1. a band; fillet; long, flat strip.
2. British. the dashboard of a motor vehicle: »

For parking, there is a foot-operated brake, released by a spring lever under the fascia (London Times).

3. Anatomy. a) a usually thin band of fibrous connective tissue covering, supporting, or binding together a muscle, part, or organ. b) tissue of this kind.
4. (in surgery) a bandage.
5. Architecture. a long, flat part or band, especially a horizontal division of an architrave.
6. Botany, Zoology. a wide and distinct band of color.
[< Latin fascia band, girdle. See etym. of doublet fess. (Cf.fess)]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.