
dif|fuse «verb. dih FYOOZ; adjective. dih FYOOS», verb, -fused, -fus|ing, adjective.
1. to spread out so as to cover a large space or surface; scatter widely: »

The sun diffuses light and heat. Schools and libraries and many television programs diffuse knowledge.

SYNONYM(S): disseminate, disperse.
2. Physics. to spread by diffusion.
1. to scatter widely; spread.
2. Physics. to mix together by spreading into one another: »

Alcohol and water will diffuse; oil and water will not. Oxygen diffuses through air about 10,000 times faster than through water (Albert R. Grable).

1. not drawn together at a single point; spread out: »

diffuse light.

SYNONYM(S): widespread, scattered, dispersed.
2. using many words where a few would do: »

a diffuse writer. A diffuse book is very tiresome to read. Too strong and concise, not diffuse enough for a woman (Jane Austen).

SYNONYM(S): wordy.
[< Latin diffusus, past participle of diffundere < dis- apart (in every direction) + fundere pour]
dif|fuse´ly, adverb.
dif|fuse´ness, noun.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.