
dif|fer|ent «DIHF uhr uhnt, DIHF ruhnt», adjective, adverb.
1. not alike; not like: »

People have different names. An automobile is different from a boat. We saw different kinds of animals at the zoo.

SYNONYM(S): dissimilar, unlike.
2. not the same; separate; distinct: »

We called three different times but never found her at home. Different people have told us the same thing about her. That is a different matter altogether.

3. not like others or most others; unusual: »

Our teacher is quite different; she never gives us homework.

Informal. differently: »

With her in the house, everyone acted different (Jetta Carleton).

dif´fer|ent|ly, adverb.
dif´fer|ent|ness, noun.
Usage different. The standard American usage with different is from: »

His second book was entirely different from his first.

Informal usage is divided, using from occasionally, sometimes to (which is a common British usage), and more often than: »

She was different than any other girl I had ever known.

Different than is becoming more common when the object is a clause: »

The house was a good deal different than he remembered it.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.