
dif|fer|en|tial «DIHF uh REHN shuhl», adjective, noun.
1. of a difference; showing a difference; depending on a difference: »

The differential rates in freight charges are for carrying heavier packages longer distances.

SYNONYM(S): diverse.
2. distinguishing; distinctive: »

a differential feature peculiar to itself.

3. having to do with distinguishing characteristics or specific differences: »

A differential diagnosis attempts to distinguish between two similar diseases.

4. Mathematics. having to do with or involving differentials.
5. Physics, Mechanics. concerning the difference of two or more motions, pressures, temperatures, or other measurable quantities.
6. Geology. producing different or selective effects on formations or constituents of rocks, soils, or other land material: »

differential erosion, differential weathering.

1. a) a differential duty, rate, or charge: »

The decline in the differentials has not been evenly paced and has been interrupted by one recovery (London News Chronicle).

b) the difference involved: »

Despite the price differential, consumers will buy canned soft drinks if they are made available (Sales Management).

2. = differential gear. (Cf.differential gear)
3. Mathematics. the product of the derivative of a function containing one variable multiplied by the increment of the independent variable.
4. Electricity. a coil or wire so related to another coil as to produce polar action contrary to that of the other coil.
dif´fer|en´tial|ly, adverb.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.