1. to tell in words how a person looks, feels, or acts, or how a place, a thing, or an event looks or happened; tell or write about: »
The reporter described the accident in detail. He described his sufferings as a prisoner of war. There are no books which I more delight in than in…those that describe remote countries (Joseph Addison).
SYNONYM(S): depict.2. to trace or form; draw the outline of: »
The spinning top described a figure 8.
SYNONYM(S): trace.3. Obsolete. to descry.
╂[< Latin dēscrībere copy off, write down < dē- down, out + scrībere write]
–de|scrib´er, noun.
Synonym Study 1 Describe, narrate mean to tell or to write about something. Describe means to tell what a person, place, or thing looks like or is like, by giving details of appearance, character, and other features, and arranging them so that the hearer or reader will get a clear picture: »
He described the people he saw from the window.
Narrate means to tell a story, by arranging details of events so the hearer or reader will understand what happened: »He narrated the history of the Forty-Niners.
Useful english dictionary. 2012.