
den|si|ty «DEHN suh tee», noun, plural -ties.
1. the condition or quality of being dense; having parts very close together; compactness; thickness: »

The density of the forest prevented us from seeing more than a little way ahead.

2. the amount of matter to a unit of bulk; the ratio of the mass of a given volume of a substance to that of an equal volume of a standard substance. Water is the standard for solids and liquids, and hydrogen or air for gases. »

The density of lead is greater than the density of wood.

Abbr: D. or d.
3. the quantity of anything per unit area: »

population density.

4. Figurative. stupidity.
5. Photography. the relative opaqueness of a developed negative.
6. Electricity. a) the quantity of electricity per unit of area on a charged surface. b) = current density. (Cf.current density)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.