
de|fy «verb. dih FY; noun. dih FY, DEE fy», verb, -fied, -fy|ing, noun, plural -fies.
1. to set oneself openly against (authority); resist boldly: »

As soon as the boy was earning his own living he defied his father's strict rules. The thief defied the law and was arrested.

SYNONYM(S): brave.
2. to be beyond the power of; withstand; resist: »

This strong fort defies capture. Granite defies weathering more than sandstone.

3. to challenge (a person) to do or prove something: »

We defy you to show that our game is not fair. Betty…defied me to deny it (Richard D. Blackmore).

SYNONYM(S): dare.
4. Archaic. to challenge to a combat or contest.
Informal. a challenge to a combat or contest: »

So keyed-up during a race that he must shout a glad defy (New York Times).

[< Old French defier < Vulgar Latin disfīdāre < Latin dis- away + fīdus faithful]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.