
cop|u|la «KOP yuh luh», noun, plural -las, -lae «-lee».
1. Grammar. a linking verb, often some form of be. Example: John is a boy.
2. Anatomy. a connecting bone, cartilage, etc.
3. a connection; link.
4. Logic. the relation or link between the subject and the predicate of a proposition.
[< Latin cōpula bond < co- together + apere fasten. See etym. of doublet couple. (Cf.couple)]
Usage A copula (linking verb) is used chiefly as a link between the subject of a sentence and a predicate noun or adjective: »

His father is a lawyer. She will be beautiful. The grass became greener.

In these sentences is, will be, and became are the copulas. Many verbs with full meanings of their own (such as taste, feel, act, look) can also be used as copulas: »

The butter tastes rancid. She felt sad. He acts old. This looks excellent.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.