
con|voy «verb. kuhn VOY, KON voy; noun. KON voy», verb, noun,
1. to go with in order to protect; escort: »

Warships convoy unarmed merchant ships during time of war.

2. Archaic. to guide; conduct: »

Many of the company had bespoken a will-o'-the-wisp to convoy them home (Hawthorne).

1. a convoying; protection: »

The gold was moved from the truck to the bank's vault under convoy of armed guards.

SYNONYM(S): escort.
2. the warships, soldiers, or others that convoy; protecting escort.
3. a ship, fleet, supplies, or other valuable material that is convoyed: »

The convoy reached harbor with all its troops and stores intact. But the cruiser was again ordered to shepherd another convoy (Newsweek).

4. Obsolete. a conducting medium; channel; way.
[< Middle French convoyer < Old French conveier. See etym. of doublet convey. (Cf.convey)]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.