
con|sult «verb. kuhn SUHLT; noun. KON suhlt, kuhn SUHLT», verb, noun.
1. to seek information or advice from; refer to: »

Consult a dictionary for the meaning of a word. The boy's mother consulted his teacher to learn why his grades were poor.

2. to take into consideration; have regard for: »

A good ruler consults the interests and feelings of his people.

3. Obsolete. to plan; devise; contrive.
to exchange ideas; talk things over; confer: »

He consulted with his lawyer before signing the contract.

[< Latin cōnsultāre (frequentative) < cōnsulere take counsel, consult]
con|sult´a|ble, adjective.
Synonym Study intransitive verb. Consult, confer mean to talk something over with someone in order to make a decision. Consult means to talk over something of importance with another or others who are in a position to give wise advice: »

She decided to consult with her attorney before buying the property.

Confer means to exchange ideas, opinions, or information with another, usually as an equal: »

The manager conferred with the committee of employees.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.